What Is The Lorem Ipsum Method?
Lorum Ipsum Demo Text
Step 1:
Step 2:
Step 3:
My Journey
Unknown to me, my path to become a Chiropractor started 30+ years ago. Coming home from a family vacation in Minnesota, my family was driving through Michigan.
A drunk driver got on the freeway going 10 mph, the truck driver in front of us was able to swerve out of the way. We weren’t so lucky.
Fast forward 20 years and I was enrolled in Chiropractic School myself. My goal is to treat every single one of my patients the same way the Chiropractor did with my family so many years ago, because it literally changed the lives of everyone in my family.
2 Biohacks That Will Help You Maintain During the Holidays!
What is a "Biohack?" Essentially, a biohack is something you do to your body to speed up the process to a desired result. Take sleep for example. If you want to biohack your sleep so that you get all its amazing benefits. You could take melatonin, go to bed at the...
How to Keep the Weight OFF During the “Holidays”
How can you get through the Holiday's going to all of the parties, eating all of the food and not have the weight gain? There is a great strategy that allows you to do everything you want during these times. You can eat what you want, drink what you want and still...
3 Ways to Combat Stress During the Holidays
The next month is a stressful time. This is the most stressful time of the year. We stress ourselves out in every way imaginable. Your body responds to physical, chemical and emotional stress the same way. It does not know the difference. All it is feeling is STRESS....
There Only 2 Causes of Disease
Bold statement, I know. But hear me out. A doctor by the name of BJ Palmer said that are only 2 causes of disease and they are "A Deficiency and A Toxicity." Ponder that for a moment. If you search for "Soil Deficiency" you will that our soil is so depleted of the...
Great Ways To Detox Your Mind
When you hear the word "Stress" everybody immediately thinks about emotional stress. This is only partially true. There are actually 3 types of stress and they affect the body in the same way, they are Physical Stress, Chemical Stress, and Emotional Stress. Granted,...
An Ancient Strategy For New Results
It doesn't matter if you follow a certain religion or none at all. If you look back into the histories of the different religions. You will find a strategy which is making a huge comeback to regain your health and vitality. When you regain these things you are sure to...